For a seamless conference experience, familiarise yourself with the guidelines below:

Train Ticket Holders

1. If you are planning to travel by train to Nuwara Eliya, please ensure that you are present at the Colombo Fort Railway station (D.R. Wijewardena Entrance) by 6.15 am the latest, on the 2nd of June 2023 (Friday).

2. All participants boarding the train from other identified stops please make sure you are present at the stops 15 minutes prior to the Estimated Time of Arrival of the Train. Don’t be late!

3. Unfortunately, the train cannot wait for anyone running late under any circumstances. So please make sure that you are there on time to avoid disappointment.

4. Please remember to carry your train ticket with you as it is mandatory to produce your ticket at the point of entry.

5. Please do not forget to attach name tags (in clear writing) on all your luggage so we can easily identify them. It will save us all some trouble!

6. Please hand over all luggage (except for duffle bags and other carry-on luggage) to the designated person handling baggage and duly sign the relevant documents (before you hop onto the train).

7. Please note that only ONE (01) piece of Luggage will be handled per participant.

8. Please note that only ONE (01) seat is allocated per person, so please be considerate and not block seats/ aisle with large luggage. The Committee will retain the right to request the storage of any large items of luggage in the luggage carriages.

9. Please make sure you don't stash any valuables in your unaccompanied luggage and remember that the organizers won't be held responsible if anything goes missing. Keep an eye on your stuff!

10. When coming back, the Train will depart the Nanu Oya Railway Station at 2.30 pm on the 4th of June 2023 (Sunday). All participants boarding the train, please ensure that you have duly checked out and boarded the buses departing Grand Hotel by 1.30 pm the latest.

At the Conference

1. When you reach the hotel, make a beeline for the Registration Counter to grab your room keys. That is where you will get sorted out and ready to relax in your cozy accommodations before the conference starts.
2. Brace yourselves for a cool identification band that you got to wear at all times. It is going to be your way of letting everyone know that you are a part of conference. So, wear it proudly!

Professional Conduct
3. Participants must adhere to professional and ethical standards throughout the conference.
4. Respectful and courteous behavior towards fellow participants, speakers, and staff is
5. We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to harassment or discrimination.

Room Service
Just a heads-up! If you decide to order room service, remember that you are responsible for paying those charges on the spot. No room billing is allowed. So, have your cash or card ready when the deliciousness arrives at your door.

Dress Code
We have got a classy Conference Dress Code in place, and we expect you to stick to it at all times:
a. Inauguration – Formal/Lounge
b. Session on 03/06/2023 from 9.30am to 1.15 pm - Formal
c. Other Sessions – Casual
d. Gala Dinner – Smart Casual
Shorts, tank tops, three-quarter jeans, strappy dresses, and short skirts are a big no-no. We are keeping it professional at the National Law Conference, so let's make sure we maintain those high standards of professionalism throughout. Dress to impress, but keep it classy!

Attendance and Punctuality
1. Time to set your alarms! Make sure you are there and ready for each session 15 minutes before it starts. We want everyone to be punctual and fully engaged right from the get-go. So, be there early and let's make the most of every session!
2. Please be present and on time for all sessions. We don't want anyone missing out on the valuable content and discussions.
3. Latecomers are requested to enter the venue discreetly, minimizing disruption.
4. We kindly request all attendees to maintain absolute silence when the sessions are in progress. Let's create an atmosphere of attentiveness and professionalism throughout the
sessions. Thank you for your cooperation.

Mobile Devices
Mobile devices should be set to silent or on vibration mode during sessions to minimize distractions.

Photography and Recording
1. Photography and video recording during sessions are prohibited if such conduct would disturb any other participants or presenters.
2. Feel free to capture those memorable moments and share your awesome photographs and videos on social media. Don't forget to use the hashtags #NLClk and #GrandNLC to let the world know about the incredible time you are having.

Intellectual Property
Please respect the intellectual property rights of speakers and presenters. Unauthorized recording, reproduction, or distribution of any conference materials is strictly prohibited.

Networking and Collaboration
1. Let’s get those networking skills in action and foster some awesome collaborations. This event is a perfect opportunity to connect with fellow participants, speakers, and sponsors.
2. Business cards may be exchanged during networking sessions, just remember to strike a balance and avoid excessive self-promotion.

Compliance with Local Laws and Hotel Policies
1. Participants are responsible for complying with all local laws, hotel policies and regulations during their stay at the hotel.
2. Any illegal or unethical activities will not be tolerated and may result in immediate expulsion from the conference.

Health and Safety
In case of any medical emergencies, contact the Hotel Reception immediately.

Speakers/panelists and moderators
Attention esteemed speakers, panelists, and moderators, we kindly request your presence at the sessions waiting area (the Piano Lounge) 30 minutes prior to the start of your respective sessions. Your cooperation and punctuality are greatly appreciated.

Breakfast lovers, the breakfast buffet will be open from 7.30 am to 9.30 am. Make sure you don't miss out on the breakfast bonanza!

Lunch, to soothe the tired soul. The Lunch Buffet will be open as follows:
a. 03/06/2023 - 1.15 pm to 2.30 pm
b. 04/06/2023 – 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm

Network and have a bit of fun, with Cocktails at the Tea Lounge on 02/06/2023 followed by Dinner at the Barnes Hall and party till dawn with the Gala Dinner on 03/06/2023.

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